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What is Literary Citizenship?

I've been asked this question many times. My answer is usually a variation of  "being an active participant in the literary community."


As I've moved further down the path toward publication, that definition has become less of a hazy idea and more of a solid practice. My goal is always to help and be helped by championing my fellow writers and bringing new books to all the readers out there. Here are some ways I participate in the literary landscape.

Connecting with Writers

Every author I admire says to find a group of writers with whom you can share your work.

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I Found My Tribe!

How lucky am I, then, that I am a part of an AMAZING group of writers who are all working towards publication? The support and camaraderie is phenomenal!

MFA Program

Degree conferred as of February 2023 - Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University.

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Classes in genre, publication, and story elements led by incredible instructors, all of whom are published authors. Their mentorship has been key in my growth as a writer. My classmates added another level of connection that is so vitally important. We help each other every step of the way, even after graduation!

Making Connections

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